SU Gallery, London
“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We’re strongest when we cheer each other on.”
Serena Williams
The Women's Network Proudly presents DIY & Defy, a creative session for all to express themselves in different ways and celebrate Women's History Month!
There will be something for everyone and a fantastic way to meet others and connect with women around you.
We will have:
- Make Your Own Wall Hanging/Banner
- Sticker Making
- Bracelet Making
Whilw you are crafting we encourage you to read about the amazing women who have paved the way for us today
This event is completely free and open to everyone - we do want to remind those who do not identify as female that this should be considerd a safe space for women and if you would like to join in to respect the crafts, the message we are sharing and the people taking part.
We will also be giving out pins and stickers!
SU Gallery, SU Building , London W5 5RF